계측기 (Tester)/중고계측기(렌탈)

[중고계측기] 키슬리 Keithley 2281S-20-6 Battery Simulator / DC Power Supply / 파워서플라이 중고계측기 대여 매입합니다

MyGodisGreater 2023. 2. 16. 15:30

Keithley 2281S-20-6 Battery Simulator / DC Power Supply 파워서플라이 중고계측기 판매 대여


중고계측기 판매 렌탈 수리 대여 업체 피엔텍입니다.

오늘의 주인공은 Keithley 2218S-20-6 배터리 시뮬레이터/ DC 파워 서플라이 소개하려고 합니다~

키슬리 Keithley 2218S-20-6 Battery Simulator / DC Power Supply


중고계측기 판매 대여 렌탈 키슬리 Keithley 2218S-20-6 Battery Simulator/DC Power Supply / 배터리 시뮬레이터 / 파워서플라이

Key Features:

The 2218S-20-6 has three basic functions: HIgh performance power supplym battery test, and battery simulation.

※ As High-performace power supply:

Keithley 2218S-20-6 Battery Simulator

  • High-current resolution and sesitivity to measure a wide range of load currents
  • 6 1/2-digit measurement resolution to enable a wide range of measurements on a single current range
  • Fast current measurements to test or study load current pulses as narrow as 100 up
  • Linear mode, low noise output


중고계측기 매입 매각 수리 키슬리 / Keithley 2218S-20-6 Battery Simulator / 배터리 시뮬레이터

※ As a battery test instrument:

  • Battery capacity test with charging and discharging functions
  • Battery charge and discharge process and data logging (voltage, current, resistance, and amp-hour information)
  • Generate a batteyr model based on battery test results
  • Measure open-circuit voltage and resistance

※ As a Battery Simulator:

  • Simulate a real battery based on battery model
  • Dynamic and static simulation mode to simulate battery output
  • Intuitive way to show battery capacity and battery voltage on home screen

중고 계측기 매입 매각 수리 키슬리 Keithley 2218S-20-6 battery Simulator / 배터리 시뮬레이터

※ Other features:

  • Color TFT display with icon-based and soft-key user interface
  • Data logging and analysis with graphical dispay and statistics for trend analysis
  • GPIB, USB-TMC, and LAN LXI interfaces for automated test development
  • Digital I/O for rich trigger functions
  • Direct parameter enrry using the front-panel keypad, soft keys, or the navigation control
  • Front-panel USB-A connector for flash-drive support


중고계측기 수리 매각 매입합니다~ Keithley 2218S-20-6 Battery SImulator

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