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[중고계측기] 중고계측기판매 대여 렌탈 요꼬가와/Yokogawa WT500 Power Analyzer 파워 분석기

MyGodisGreater 2023. 2. 16. 15:31

중고계측기렌탈 판매 매입 렌탈 Yokogawa WT500 Power Analyzer 파워 분석기 매각 대여


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오늘의 장비는 Yokogawa WT500 Power Analyzer 가져왔어요~ 간단 소개해도 되죠?


중고계측기 판매 매입 렌탈 요꼬가와 Yokogawa WT500 Power Analyzer 전원분석기 중고계측기매입 대여 수리 가능

Yokogawa WT500 - Power Analyzer

Yokogawa WT500

The WT500 Power Analyzer excels at single and thress phase power measurements. Standard features include a color TFT display and USB interface for communcations and memory. The instrument has a basic power accuracy of 0.1%, maximum inputs of 1000 V, 40 A and a measurement bandwidth of DC to 100 kHz.


중고계측렌탈 판매 대여 매입 요꼬가와 Yokogawa WT500 Power Analyzer / 파워 분석기


  • Simultaenous measurement of voltage, current, power and harmonics
  • High-speed data updating (100ms)
  • Display of numerical values, waveforms and trends
  • Measurement of bought and sold watt hours
  • Easy setup and operation

Key Layout offers intuitive control

  1. Cursor Keys - can be used to move the on-screen in four different directions.
  2. Range Keys - can be used to set the voltage and current ranges.
  3. Display Keys - can be used to switch between numerical values, waveforms, and other displays.
  4. Setup Keys - can be used to enter various settings required for power measurmeent such as the wiring method and filters.
  5. File, Image, and Store Keys - are located in the same are. Data can be stored to USB memory.

중고 계측기 판매 대여 렌탈 요꼬가와 Yokogawa WT500 Power Analyzer / 파워 분석기


  • Simultaneous measurement of DC and AC signals
  • Seperate integration functions for charge/discharge and bought/sold power
  • Saving measured data directly to USB memory
  • Easy setuo with cursor keys
  • Simultaenous measurement fo normal data and harmonic data with the harmonic meaurement, /G5 option
  • WT series for power evaluation of energy -saving equipment

중고계측기판매 대여 렌탈 수리 WT500 Power Analyzer/파워 분석기 매각 매입

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