오늘 소개해드릴 장비는 텍트로닉스사의 오실로스코프 MDO4104-3이며, 혼합 도메인 오실로스코프, 3GHz, 4채널, 스펙트럼 분석기 기능이 있습니다. 자세히 알아보겠습니다. 이 사양외에도 다양한 장비들을 보유하고있습니다. 다른 사양의 오실로스코프를 찾으신다면, 연락주세요.
1. 오실로스코프 MDO4104-3 사양
2. 텍트로닉스 오실로스코프 MDO4104-3 기능
3. 중고계측기 오실로스코프 MDO4104-3 실사진
4. 마무리
오실로스코프 : 텍트로닉스 MDO4104-3 계측기대여
Tektronix MDO4104-3 1GHz 5GS/s 4Ch Oscilloscope 텍트로닉스 오실로스코프
기본 스펙
- 대역폭 : 1GHz
- 샘플링 : 5GS/s
- 채널 : 4Ch
Tektronix MDO4000C Series – 6 – in – 1 Mixed Domain Oscilloscope:
Introducing the world's highest performance 6-in-1 integrated oscilloscope that includes a spectrum analyzer, arbitrary/function generator, logic analyzer, protocol analyzer and DVM / frequency counter. The MDO4000C Series has the performance you need to solve the toughest embedded design challenges quickly and efficiently. When configured with an integrated spectrum analyzer, it is the only instrument that provides simultaneous and synchronized acquisition of analog, digital and spectrum, ideal for incorporating wireless communications (IoT) and EMI troubleshooting. The MDO4000C is completely customizable and fully upgradeable so you can add the instruments you need now – or later.
오실로스코프 MDO4104-3 사양
Key performance specifications
4 analog channels 1 GHz,bandwidth models
1 RF channel 50 kHz to 3 GHz or 50 kHz to 6 GHz frequency range models Ultra-wide capture bandwidth ≥1 GHz
Standard passive voltage probes 3.9 pF capacitive loading 1 GHz analog bandwidth
텍트로닉스 오실로스코프 MDO4104-3 기능
Key features
Mixed-domain analysis
- Time-correlated analog, digital, and RF signal acquisitions in a single instrument
- Wave Inspector® controls provide easy navigation of time-correlated data from both the time and frequency domains
- Amplitude, frequency, and phase vs. time waveforms derived from RF input
- Selectable spectrum time to discover and analyze how RF spectrum changes over time - even on a stopped acquisitio
Spectral analysis
- Dedicated front-panel controls for commonly performed tasks
-Automated peak markers identify frequency and amplitude of spectrum peaks
-Manual markers enable non-peak measurements
-Trace types Include: Normal, Average, Max Hold, and Min Hold
- Detection types include: +Peak, -Peak, Average, and Sample
- Spectrogram display enables easy observation and insight into slowly changing RF phenomena
-Automated measurements include: Channel Power, Adjacent Channel Power Ratio (ACPR), and Occupied Bandwidth (OBW)
-Trigger on RF power level
- Triggered or Free Run spectral analysi
중고계측기 오실로스코프 MDO4104-3 실사진
저희 피엔텍에서는 다양한 사양의 계측장비를 보유하고있습니다.
연락주시면 전문상담사가 친절하게 안내해드리겠습니다.
문의 : 010-2331-0295 / ☎ 02-407-5295
이메일 : dhjang02@gmail.com