안녕하세요! 어제오늘 많은 비가 내리고 있네요. 비가 그치고 많이 추워진다고 하니 건강에 유의하셔야겠습니다. 오늘은 요거가 와 WT333E 디지털 파워 미터 소개해 드리겠습니다. 이 장비 소개 및 스펙 안내해 드리며, 업무 또는 연구에 필요한 장비라면 언제든지 연락 주시면, 저희 계측기 전문가가 친절하게 안내해 드리겠습니다.
1. Yokogawa WT333E Digital Power Meter Overview
2. Yokogawa WT333E Digital Power Meter Features & Benefits
3. Yokogawa WT333E Digital Power Meter 실사진
4. 마무리
Yokogawa WT333E Digital Power Meter / 디지털 파워미터
Yokogawa WT333E Digital Power Meter Overview
The WT300E's wide range of functions and enhanced specifications, allows handling of all the measurement applications from low frequency to high frequency inverters using a single power meter.
Accuracy with fast display and update rate
The WT300E Series with the fast display update rate of 100 ms offer's engineers a short tact time in their testing procedures. The basic accuracy for all input ranges is 0.1% rdg. + 0.05% rng (50/60Hz) and DC 0.1% rdg + 0.2% mg.
Simultaneous Measurement:
U/I/P/Freq/Inter(+/-) Harmonics components / THD with max 100 ms cycle
In addition to stanard power measurements, the WT300E Series measures all DC and AC parameters. Additionally, the WT300E series can measure harmonics and perform integration simultaneously without changing the measurement mode.
Yokogawa WT333E Digital Power Meter Features & Benefits
Features & Benefits:
- Improvement of basic power accuracy
- Auto Data update rate function for fluctuating input
- High performance & reliability
- The mode of Crest Factore "6A"
- A wide range of interface (USB, GPIB, RS-232 & Ethernet [opt.])
- Connectivity of Modbus/TCP with Yokogawa's recorders and Ethernet with PLC
- D/A Output for measurement recording
- Comparator Factor
- Production line or QA testing of electric devices
- Testing to international standards, such as IEC62301, Energy Star & SPEC power
- Development and evaluation toll for home applicances
- Evaluation of large current equipment such as induction heaters /cookers
- Automotive Battry or DC driven device evaluation
- Duration testing and efficiency measurement for industrial motors and rotating machinery.
Yokogawa WT333E Digital Power Meter 실사진
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문의 : 010-2331-0295 / ☎ 02-407-5295
이메일 : dhjang02@gmail.com
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