중고계측기 렌탈 / 판매 애질런트 / Agilent N6705A DC 전력 분석기 / DC Power Analyzer

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오늘 장비 들고 왔어요~오랜만에 본 친구예요~ 애질런트 / Agilent N6705A DC 전력 분석기/Power Analyzer입니다~
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중고계측기 애질런트/Agilent N6705A DC 전력분석기 / 파워분석기 / DC Power Analyzer
중고계측기 판매 렌탈 대여 ] 애질런트/키사이트/Agilent N6705A DC 전력분석기 (DC Power Analyzer) 600W
※ Specifications:
- 4-slot mainframe holds up to 600W of total power and up to 4 modules with 23 DC power modules to choose from
- Output speeds of up to 160 microseconds per step voltage change
- Voltmeter Accuracy : Up to 0.016% + 1.5 mV, up to 18bits
- Ammeter AccuracyL Up to 0.03% + 15 uA, up to 18 bits
- Arbitrary waveform generator functions
- Scope Function
- 512 MB of non-volatile data storage for data log, scope traces, instrument settings.
New Instrument Category for R&D Engineers to Increase Productivity
The Keysight N6705 DC Power Analyzer saves times

애질런트/키사이트 N6705A DC Power Analyzer
- Provides unrivaled productivity gains for sourcing and measuring DC voltage and current into your DUT by intergrating up to four advanced power supplies with DMM, scope, arbitrary waveform, and data logger features.
- Eliminates the need to gather multiple pieces of equipment, create complex test setups including transducers (such as current probes and shunts) to measure current into your DUT.
- Eliminates the need to develop and debug programs to control a collection of instruments and take useful measurements because all the functions and measduremtns are available at the front panel.
The Agilent/Keysight N6705A DC Power Analyzer makes these tasks easy, right from the front panel
- Setup and view critical turn-on/turn off sequences.
- Measure and display voltage, current versus time to visualize power into the DUT.
- Control DC bias supply ramp-up/down rates.
- Generates DC bias supply transients and disturbances (arbs).
- Log data for seconds, minutes, hours or even days to see current/power consumption or capture anomalies.
- Save data and screen shots to internal storage or external USB memory devices.
- Save and anme your setup and tests for easy re-use.

중고계측기대여 렌탈 판매 애질런트 / 키사이트 / Keysight N6705A DC Power Analyzer / 전력 분석기
Features: Agilent/Keysight N6705A DC Power Analyzer

애질런트 N6705A DC 전력분석기
- Integrates capabilities of power supply DMM, scope, ARB, and data logger
- Large color graphics display
- Connections and controls color-coded to the display
- Intuitive, dedicated physical controls for common functions
- Access all capabilities without programming

애질런트/키사이트/Agilent N6705A DC Power Analyzer / DC 전력분석기 - 중고계측기 판매 대여 렌탈
Additional Features:
- Output Sequencing - each DC power module can be individually set to turn on/off with a delay. Delay times can be set from no delay to one thousant seconds of delay in one millisecond increments.
- Programmable Voltage Slew - for some applications, like inrush limiting or powering rate-sensitive devices, it is necessary to slow down and control the speed of the DC output to maintain a specific voltage slew rate.
- Series and Parallel Operation - To increase voltage and power per output, identically rated outputs can be operated directly in series.
- Convenient Front Panel Connections - The N6705A uses 3-way binding posts on the front panel for connection to the DUT. The binding posts accept standard banana plugs, bare wire, and spade-lug connectors.
- 4-wire sensing for improved measurement accuracy - to improve the voltage measurement accuracy and resulation of the DC outputs, the Keysight N6705A DC power analyzer offers 4-wire sensing capability, also called remote sensing, on each of the four outputs of the DC power analyzer.

중고계측기 매입 렌탈 판매 - 애질런트/키사이트/Agilent N6705A DC 전력 분석기 / DC Power Supply
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