Yokogawa 요꼬가와 701932 - 30 A, DC~100MHz, BNC Current Probe 전류프로브 중고계측기 대여 렌탈 판매
요즘 바쁜 건지 청신 없는 건지 헷갈려요~
중고계측기판매 대여 렌탈 요꼬가와 Yokogawa 701932 30A, DC~100 MHz Current Probe; 전류프로브
요꼬가와 / Yokogawa 전류프로브 701932 30A DC 100MHz Current Probes 중고 계측기 렌털 대여
Yokogawa 701932 is a probe for oscilloscope, scopecorders, and more. The Probe simply clamp around the conductor being measure. The probes can be directly connected to the 1 M Ω BNC inputs on the DL series instruments without the need for connection to a costly external amplifier.
Precision Waveform Measurement Essentials
What is a current probe?
To check the switching elements of the circuit in electronic devices, current probes measure currents without interrupting the circuit. There are multiple types of current probes-self -contained current probes and for multimeters.
The 701932 100 MHz / 30 Arms is a current probe for oscilloscopes, scopecorder, and more.
중고계측기대여 렌탈 판매 요꼬가와 Yokogawa 701932 Current Probe/전류 프로브
전류프로브 모델: 701932
- DC ~ 100 MHz
- Max: 30 A
- Peak: 50 A
- 0.1 V/A 전압 레이트 (1M옴 임피던스)
중고 전류프로브 요꼬가와/Yokogawa 701932 30 Arms100 MHz Current Probe 계측기 판매 렌탈 수리 매각
요꼬가와 Yokogawa 701932 전류프로브 간단 소개입니다~
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