중고 계측기 수리 대여 렌탈 플루크/Fluke 190-504 Portable Oscilloscope/ ScopeMeter/ 스코프미터


오늘 Fluke/플루크 190-504 가져왔어요~
중고 스코프미터/포터블 오실로스코프 대여 렌탈 판매 가능한 장비입니다.
Fluke 190-504 ScopeMeter 미리 보시려면 ↓↓↓↓↓
포터블오실로스코프 플루크 /Fluke 190-504 중고계측기 대여 렌탈 판매 수리

The Fluke ScopeMeter 190 Series II combines the highest safety ratings and rugged poratbility with the high performance of a bench oscilloscope. Designed for plant maintenance engineers and techinicians, these tough ScopMeter tests tools go into harsh, dirty, and hazardous industrial conditions to test everything from microelectronics to power electronics applications.
Key Features:

플루크 스코프미터 190-504 ScopeMeter
※ Four electrically isolated inputs
※ CAT III 1000 V / CAT IV 600 V safety rated
※ Choose from 60 MHz, 100 MHz, 200 MHz or 500 MHz bandwidth models
※ Fast sampling rate, up to 5 GS/s with up to 200 ps resolution (Depending on model and channels used)
※ Deep memory: 10,000 samples per channel waveform capture so you can zoom in on the details
※ Dedicated 999 count digital multimeter
※ Four meter measurements via scope BNC inputs in four-channel models
※ Connect-and- View continuous auitoi trigger, single shot, pulse width, and video triggering

중고 계측기 플루크 Fluke 190-504 ScopeMeter/Portable Oscilloscope
Product Overview: 중고 계측기 대여 렌탈 플루크 /Fluke 190-504 포터블 스코프/스코프미터/오실로스코프
Three-dimentional testing for industrial systems -
Inspects input signals, output feedback loops or safety interlocks simultaneously to find a range of problems including:
→ Circuit voltage/current overloading
→ Signal timing measurements and synchronization issues
→ Attenuation/input impedance mismatch
→ Signal flunctuation/drift
Three-phase testing for diagnosing VSD, power inverters and converters
→ Test for harmonics, transients and loads at the three-phase power input
→ Troubleshooting dc to ac converters for faulty IGBT gates or filters circuits
→ Test PW<M output for replections and transient or voltage unbalance

중고 계측기 판매 렌탈 수리 플루크/Fluke 190-504 포터블 오실로스코프/스코프미터 /ScopeMeter - 옆/뒷면입니다
Additional Features:
※ Safety measure form mV to kV
※ Take on the harshest conditions with the only IP-51 rated according to IEC60529 scope on the market
※ Built-in digital multimeter to quickly and conveniently perform precise measurements
※ Work a full shift on a single change
※ Capture and share waveforms easily with new USB connectivity
※ See a stable display instantly with connect-and-view

중고 계측기 판매 대여 렌탈 플루크 Fluke 190-504 ScopeMeter/포터블 오실로스코프/스코프미터
Fluke 190-504 can be a better replacement for Tektronix THS3000 Handheld Oscilloscope for customers can find nearly identical specs of the two.
Specifications: Fluke 190-504 (500 MHz; 4 Channel Portable Oscilloscope)
Bandwidth: 500 MHz
No. of Channels: 4 Ch
Real-time Sample Rate: 5 GS/s
Inputs: 4 x BNC inp[ut scope plus DMM input

중고 계측기 렌탈 판매 플루크 Fluke 190-504 ScopeMeter 액세서리입니다.
Fluke 190-504 포터블 오실로스코프는 입고되었습니다~
중고 계측기 렌탈 판매 매입 대여하고자 아래로 연락해 주시기 바랍니다~