중고 계측기 판매 대여 렌탈 대여 R&S 로데 슈바르츠 Rohde & Schwarz FSC6 (FSC-6) Spectrum Analyzer / 스펙트럼분석기

중고 계측기 판매 대여 렌탈 전문

R&S FCS 스펙트럼 분석기 - 초소형, 합리적인 비용
로데 슈바르츠 Rohde & Schwarz FCS-6 Spectrum Analyzer 스펙트럼 분석기 중고계측기렌탈 계측기판매 매입 대여

R&S FSC6 Spectrum Analyzer - 스펙트럼 분석기
▶ The R&S FSC features very good RF performance. Its DANL, TOI an
d phase noise make it deal for many standard measurement applications.
▶ General-purpose spectrum analysis presets for spectral characteristics, e.g. harmonics, AM modulation depth, ACLR, etc. are included as standard.
Compact form factor
▶R&S FSC has the smallest footprint in its class at only 3 HU. 1/2 9". It takes up very little space on bench. Two R&S FSC analyzer or one R&S FSC and an R&S SMC signal generator fit in just 3 HU of rack space.
▶ Total cost of ownership is excellent due to affordable initial and calibration coss, plus very low operating cost with only 12W power consumption.
- Frequency range: 9 kHz to 6 GHz
- Covers wide range of applications including simple development tasks, production, training RF professionals, as well as service and maintenance
- Features a wealth of functions for simplifying and speeding up development and testing of RF products

중고 계측기 렌탈 판매 대여 매각 R&S (Rohde & Schwarz) 로데 슈바르츠 FSC-6 Spectrum Analyzer (스펙트럼분석기)
Benefits & Key Features:
- Data transfer between the R&S FSC and a PC via USB / LAN
- Easy postprocessing of measurement results by means of data export in ASCII pr MS Excel format
- Storage of graphics data in standard formats
- Printout of measurement results, including the instrument settings used
- Simple comparison of measurement results
- Subsequent analysis of the measurement results using markers
- Subsequent display of limit lines
- Editor for creating limit lines and antaenna factors

중고 계측기 대여 렌탈 매각 수리 로데 슈바르츠 FSC6 Spectrum Analyzer / 스펙트럼 분석기
Performance in a Compact form factor
The R&S FSC is a compact, cost-effective solution with all the essential features of a professional spectrum analyzer and Rohde & Schwarz quality. It coves a wide range of applications from simple development tasks to production, or can be used for training RF professionals. Moreover, it is ideal for service or maintenance applications. The R&S FSC features a welth functions for simplifying and speeding up the RF product development and testing. Its good RF characteristics and precise measurmenet accuracy ensure reliable and reproductive measurement results.

중고 계측기 대여 판매 렌탈 R&S FSC6 Spectrum Analyzer Rohde & Schwarz 스펙트럼 분석기 대여 매각
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