오늘 소개해드릴 장비는 멀티펑션 제너레이터 Multifunction Generator 함수발생기 입니다. 장비 소개 및 사양 자세히 소개해드리도록 할께요.
1. NF WF1968 멀티펑션 제너레이터 제품 설명
2. NF WF1968 멀티펑션 제너레이터 제품 특징
3. 제품 실사진
4. 마무리
멀티펑션 제너레이터 Multifunction Generator 함수발생기
NF WF1968 멀티펑션 제너레이터 제품 설명
NF Corp WF1968 Multifunction Generator
NF WF1968 200 MHz Multifunction Generator NF's Wave Factory is the must-have product for test signals sources, thanks to its many advanced functions and user-friendly operation. A big hit with users ever since it appeared on the market, the Wave Factory lineup has since been even further improved with to meet the more advanced needs of users by providing even more advanced functions, performance characteristics, and user-firendly features.
※ Waveform & Oscillation Mode - NF Corp. 함수발생기 / 멀티펑션제너레이터
Output waveform: Standard waveform (sine, square, pulse, ramp, parameter-variable, noise(Gaussian Distribution) DC) and arbitrary waveform.
Oscillation waveform: Continuous, modulated, burst, sweep, sequence . In burst mode, modulation function is available and in sweep mode, modulation function is available.
Channel Mode : Two channels independent, 2-phases (same frequency), constant frequency difference, constant frequency ratio, differential output (same frequency, amplitude and DC offset ar reverse wave-form), differential output2 (same frequency and amplitude, DC offset is reverse phase waveform, reversed polarity)
Other Functions: NF WF1968 (2 Ch) / WF1967 (1 Ch) 함수발생기 ; 멀티펑션 제너레이터
Phase Synchronization
Synchronization of multiple units
User defined unit
Setting memory
Control and setting at power-on operation
External control interface
NF WF1968 멀티펑션 제너레이터 제품 특징
특징: NF Corp. 함수발생기 / 멀티펑션제너레이터 / WF1968 WF1967
최대 주파수 : 200 MHz (sine wave), 70 MHz (square wave, pulse)
최대출력 : 20 Vp-p/open (10 Vp-p/50Ω, 110 MHz or less)
파형 진 푹 분해능: 16 bit
Mi Represents 220 = 1048576
인터페이스 : USB, GPIB, LAN (optional)
Other Functions:
NF WF1968 멀티펑션 제너레이터
- Phase Synchronization
- Synchronization of multiple units
- User defined unit
- Setting memory
- Control and setting at power-on operation
- External control interface
제품 실사진
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문의 : 010-2331-0295 / ☎ 02-407-5295
이메일 : dhjang02@gmail.com
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