Hioki / 히오키 Power Analyzer PW6001- DC, 3-상, 4-채널 파워 아날라이저 [중고계측기 대여 렌탈 수리]

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오늘 히오키 PW6001 Power Analyzer, 3상 4채널 파워 안너라이저

중고계측기대여 렌탈 수리 히오키 PW6001 Power Analyzer, DC, 3상 4채널 파워 아날라이저

Hioki/히오키 PW6001 Power Analyzer
Hioki benchtop power meters and power analyzers are best in class p[ower measuring instruments for measuring single to three-phase lines with a high degree of precision and accuracy. The PW6001 is Hioki's flagship power analyzer, featuring high accuracy, wide band, and high stability for measuring electrical power from DC to inverter frequencies, providing maximum of 12 channels (*1) to support single and three-phase inverter motor system measurements and next generation devices such as silicon-carbide (SiC) inverters.

중고계측기 Hioki | 히오키 PW6001 파워 아날라이저 | Power Analyzer 전면 입니다.
Basic Specifications : Hioki PW6001
Measurement Line Type
Single-phase, 2-wire, single-phase 3-wire, three-phase 4-wire
No. of input channels
Max 6 channels, ea input unit provides 1 channel for simultaenous voltage and current input
(Voltage measurement
Measurement items
Voltage (U), Current (I), Active Power (P), Apparent Power (S), Reactive Power(Q), Power Factor(λ), Phase Angle (φ), Frequency(f), Efficiency(ŋ), Loss (Loss), Voltage Ripple Factor(Urf, Current Ripple Factor (Irf), Current Integration (Ih),m Power Integration (WP), Voltage Peak(Upk), Current Peak (Ipk)
Harmonic Measurement
Harmonic Active Power, Select calculation order from 2nd order to 100th order
Waveform recording
Voltage and current waveforms/Motor pulse: Always 5 MS/s
Frequency Band
DC, 0.1 Hz to 2 MHz

중고계측기 대여 렌탈 판매 히오키 | Hioki PW6001 Power Analyzer | 파워 아날라이저, 3상, 4Ch 계측기 수리
Key Features: Hioki PW6001
- Exclusing current sensor phase shift function lets you maintain accuracy even in high frequency, low power factor applications
- High Noise resistance and stability (80 dB/100 kHz CMRR, ±0.01% /˚ C temperature characteristics)
- Basic Accuracy of ±0.02%(*2) for power measurement
- Accurate measurement even when the load is characterized by large fluctuations; True HD 18-bit resolution
- 10 ms data refresh while maintaining maximum accuracy (*3)
- DC accuracy of ±0.07%, which is key for stable, accurate efficiency measurement
- Wide frequency bandwidth of DC, or 0.1 Hz to 2 MHz

중고계측기매각 대여 수리 히오키 Hioki PW6001 Power Analyzer | 파워 아날라이저 포함된 액세서리입니다
Hioki PW6001 Power Analyzer - 0.02% Accuracy Power Analysis to Test Inverter - Product Video
Additional Features:
- Current Sensor Phase Shift
- 0.1 Hz to 2 MHz Frequency Bandwidth
- High-speed sampling of 5 MS/s for true frequency analysis
- Fast, simultaneous calculation functions achieved with Power Analysis Enginee II
- Strengthened resistance to noise and temperature flunctuations in the absolute pursuti of measurement stability
- Analyze waveforms without an oscilloscope
- Harmonic analysis up[ to 1.5 MHz
- FFT analysis with target waveforms
- Digital LPF for displaying waveform you want to view
- Seamless operability
- One touch setting take you to measurement immediately
- High-accuracy clamp current sensor
- PC Communication Software - PW Communicator

중고계측기 대여 렌탈 수리 히오키 | Hioki Power AnalyzerPW6001
다양한 중고 계측기 판매 렌탈 대여 수리합니다. 그중에 히오키 Hioki PW6001 Power Analyzer 간단 소개했습니다.
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