[중고계측기 판매 렌탈/대여] Yokogawa /요꼬가와 GP20 온도레코더 / Paperless Recorder 입고 소식!
전지, 전자, 통신기기 신품 /중고 판매 렌탈 매각 전문 기업 피엔텍입니다.
요즘 팔지 못하는 GP20 온도레코더 입고되었습니다.
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Yokogawa GP20
Paperless Recorder / MobileCorder / 휴대용온도레코더
Overview: 중고계측기 대여 /렌탈 수리 매각
중고계측기 렌탈 /매입
중고계측기 요꼬가와 GP20 온도레코더
The GP10/GP20 are portable type paperless recorder are portable type paperless recorders that display real-time measured data on a touch screen and save data on an external storage medium (SD Card).
SmartDAC+ products use unique and proprietary resistive touchscreen technology that allows swipe control and finger-pinch in/out control for fast navigation and viewing of data displays. The displays can be configured for up to six display modes with up to 20 multi-channel views.
중고계측기 판매 대여 수리 매각 요꼬가와 Yokogawa GP20 / GP10 Mobile Recorder / Paperless Recorder
The user interface was designed by human factors engineers, who incorporated the latest thinking into the data presentation following color universal design principles. GX and GP products are network-capable and can send data and PDF-formatted reports to other network devices and network-enables printers for automatic generation of printed reports. Because the network interface is standard Ethernet, the devices support a full range of functions that include web server, FTP ile transfer, email messaging and modbus TCP client/servant connectivity.
중고계측기 판매 대여 렌탈 요꼬가와 Yokogawa GP20 온도레코더 / MobileRecorder / 페이퍼리스레코더
Yokogawa 요꼬가와 GP20 온도레코더 특징: 중고계측기 렌탈 대여
· 터치스크린의 넓은 화면
· SD카드 메모리 저장
· 최대 450채널 확장 가능
· 원하는 채널, 모듈을 사용하여 장착
중고 계측기 렌털 판매 대여 요꼬가와 Yokogawa WGP20/GP10/GX20 MobileCorder/휴대용레코더
중고계측기 판매 대여 렌탈 수리 전문 피엔텍에서 요꼬가와/ Yokogawa GP20 입고되었습니다.
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