- - 400 MHz to 2 GHz Bandwidth
- - up to 10 GS/s
- - 12.5 Mpts/Ch standard memory
- - Big 10.4" LCD Display
- - Small 6" footprint
Performance Reimagined
The LeCroy WaveRunner Xi is the most powerful and capable scope available in its class. Basic system validation using advanced triggers, fast viewing modes, measurement parameters, or serial decodes is simple and easy. Advanced debug, multi-domain analysis, and waveshape analysis are possible with tools unique to WaveRunner Xi. Optional application packages help you make sense of well-defined problems.
Great Performance
With 5 GS/s and 10 Mpts standard on every channel (up to 10 GS/s interleaved with 64Xi, 104Xi, and 204Xi), you can be assured of precise measurements of fast signals, and long captures of slow-speed events.
Big Display / Small Footprint
A big display is crucial to understanding circuit behaviors, especially when working with a combination of analog, digital, and serial data signals. That’s why we use a big, bright 10.4" color display to allow room for everything, including time-correlated views of mixed-signal systems and non-time-domain analysis. You’ll love the impressive display viewing angle; and the very small instrument footprint makes it easy to work anywhere.
Powerful WaveShape Analysis Capability
WaveRunner Xi has the best problem solving capability, whether you are gathering statistical data on thousands or millions of events, converting signal information into a statistical, modulation, or frequency domain for better understanding, or using WaveScan™ to find anomalous events. In addition, WaveRunner Xi’s have numerous application packages to solve specific test and measurement challenges.
Embedded Controller Validation and Debug
LeCroy's powerful WaveRunner Xi oscilloscopes can be turned into high-performance mixed signal oscilloscopes (MSOs) with the addition of the MS-500 or MS-250 mixed signal oscilloscope options. In addition, I2C, SPI, UART, RS-232, LIN, and CAN triggering and decoding options turn the WaveRunner Xi into an all-in-one analog, digital, and serial data trigger, acquisition, and analysis machine.
- MS Series Mixed Signal Oscilloscope Option
- I2C, SPI, UART, RS-232, LIN, and CAN Triggering
Excellence in Acquisition
LeCroy's proprietary method of data transfer and processing permits wave shapes to be captured and processed 10–100x faster than those of other oscilloscopes. The result is better capability to perform advanced WaveShape Analysis, and faster debug.
- WaveRunner Xi Fast Memory Architecture
- SMART Triggers Isolate Events
- Sequence Mode Extends Long Memory and SMART Triggering Capability
- LeCroy WaveStream Fast Viewing Mode
LeCroy WaveStream™ Fast Viewing Mode
WaveStream provides a vibrant, intensity graded (256 levels) display with a fast update rateto closely simulate the look and feel of an analog oscilloscope. WaveStream is most helpful in viewing signals that have signal jitter or signal anomalies, or for applying a visual check before creating an advanced trigger or WaveScan setup to locate an unusual event. Since the sampling rate inWaveStream mode can be as high as 10 GS/s (up to 5x that of other oscilloscopes), it is an excellent runt or glitch finder. Timing jitter is often visually assessed to understand approximate behavior. WaveStream makes it easy to understand jitter on edges or in eye diagrams. WaveStream also excels in allowing you to relate composite (WaveStream) to single-event (real-time sampled) behaviors. Just capture in WaveStream mode, toggle to view or zoom a single trace, then toggle back to WaveStream mode.
WaveScan™ Advanced Search and Analysis
The best trigger won’t find all unusual events—a more powerful capability is sometimes needed. WaveScan provides the ability to locate unusual events in a single capture (i.e., capture and search), or “scan” for an event in many acquisitions over a long period of time. Select from more than 20 search modes (frequency, rise time, runt, duty cycle, etc.), apply a search condition and begin scanning.
Unmatched Measurement and Validation Capability
WaveRunner Xi provides the highest value for everyday characterization, validation, and debug; and the best capability for quickly debugging advanced problems. Whether you are debugging circuits with a mix of slow- and high-speed signals, performing signal integrity checks on high-speed clock and data signals, or doing advanced debugging of complex problems, WaveRunner Xi has the right toolset that is easily applied to the problem.
Multidomain WaveShape Analysis Improves Understanding
The most difficult electrical circuit problems are rarely obvious in the time domain. Long memory with zooming, searching, and scanning is an important part of the solution. However, serious design professionals understand the importance of converting time-domain information into statistical, parameter, or frequency domains so as to get to the root of the problem quicker. WaveRunner Xi provides you with the tools necessary to understand complex circuit problems and solve them faster.
- Trend Views Turn Your Oscilloscope Into a Strip Chart Recorder
- Track Views Provide Graphical Display of Parameter Values vs. Time
- Histograms Graphically Present Statistical Data
- Fast Fourier Transforms (FFTs) Provide Spectral Views for Advanced Troubleshooting
Specific Solutions for Tough Problems
In addition to the general purpose WaveShape Analysis tools that LeCroy offers with WaveRunner Xi, there are also specific tool sets that are packaged into a complete Application solution for Automotive, Embedded Design, or Switching Power Supply markets. These packages offer great value, and allow you to add to your oscilloscope over time as your needs change.
- MS Series Mixed Signal Testing Oscilloscope Option
- PowerMeasure Analysis Software Package (PMA2)
- CANbus Trigger, Decode, and Measure/Graph Testing Options (CANbus TDM, CANbus TD, Vehicle Bus Analyzers)
- Electromagnetic Compatibility Software Package (EMC)
- Jitter and Timing Analysis Software Package (JTA2)
- Digital Filter Software Package (DFP2)
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