중고계측기 전문 기업 피엔텍입니다. 오늘 소개해드릴 장비는 요코가와사의 파워서플라이 701934 External Probe Power Supply 그리고 전류프로브 701932 Current Probe 입니다. 어떤장비인지 간단히 소개해드리며, 업무 또는 연구에 필요한 장비라면 언제든지 연락주시기 바랍니다.
1. YOKOGAWA 701934 External Probe Power Supply 요코가와 파워서플라이
2. 701932 Current Probe 전류프로브
3. YOKOGAWA 701934 & 701932 파워서플라이 / 전류프로브 중고계측기 실사진
4. 마무리
701934 External Probe Power Supply & 701932 Current Probe
Power Supply for Oscilloscope Probes
A power supply for current, FET probes, and differential probes. Oscilloscope probe power supply for up to four probes, including lrge curent probes.
YOKOGAWA 701934 External Probe Power Supply
Yokogawa / 요꼬가와 701934 Power Supply (파워서플라이) / 701932 Current Probe (커런트/전류프로브)
Probes work with both DL probe power connectors and the 701934 probe power supply. Supplies power for up to four probes, including large current probes. (For 702915 and 702916, up to two probes can be powered when measuring maximum current.) Supports both AC100 V and 200 V power supply requirements.
- Number of power supply connectors: 4
- Output voltage: ±12 V±0.5 V
- Rated output current: +12 V: 2.5 A, -12 V: 2.5 A (the total value of four outputs)
- Operating temperature and humidity range: 0 to 40°C, 80% RH or less (no condensation)
- Storage temperature and humidity range: -10 to 50°C, 80% RH or less (no condensation)
- Rated supply voltage: AC100 to 240 V (50/60 Hz)
- Maximum rated power: 170 VA
- External dimensions Approx. 80 (W) x 119 (H) x 200 (D) mm
- Weight: Approx. 1.1 kg
Applicable for SL1000 & SL1400.
701932 Current Probe 전류프로브
Yokogawa / 요꼬가와 701934 Power Supply (파워서플라이) / 701932 Current Probe (커런트/전류프로브)
701932 Current Probe 100 MHz / 30 ARMS:
Frequency bandwidth: DC to 100 MHz
Maximum continuous input range: 30 Arms
Functions with Digital Oscilloscopes, Scopecorders, or other waveform measuring instruments.
What is a Current Probe?
To check the switching elements of the circuits in electronic devices, current probes measure currents without interrupting the circuit. There are multiple types of current probes- self-contained current probes and current probes for multimeters.
The 701932 100MHz / 30 Arms is a current probe for oscilloscopes, scopecorders, and more.
- Bandwidth: DC to 100 MHz; current measurement: Max 30 A
- Clamp configuration makes current measurements easy
- The probe simply clamp around the conductor being measure.
- No external amplifier required: Connects directly to DL series instruments
- The probes can be directly connected to the 1 MΩ BNC inputs on the DL series instruments without the need for con
- nection to a costly external amplifier. All probes in our lineup are space-
- saving, easy to carry, and offer superior performance at a reasonable cost.
- Powered by the DL's probe power supply terminal
- The probes are also compatible with external power supplies.
- Current values can be read directly on DL series instruments
- Using the current probe selection menu eliminates the need to enter current/voltage conversion values.
- Includes demagnetizing switch and zero adjust dial functions
- Relationship between the current being measured and probe's current consumption
- 701934 probe power supply
- Inverter currents
- Switching power supply inrush currents
- Motor load currents
- Breaker characteristics
- Transformer/transmission systems
- Fuel cell operation and characteristics
- Power supply current waveforms
- Power device consumed current
- Vehicle electrical systems
YOKOGAWA 701934 & 701932 파워서플라이 / 전류프로브 중고계측기 실사진
이외에도 저희 피엔텍에서는 다양한 사양의 계측장비를 보유하고있습니다.
제품구매 / 렌탈 / 대여 / 수리 등 기타 궁금한점이나 문의사항 있으시면 언제든지 연락주세요. 계측기 전문 상담사가 친절하게 안내해드리겠습니다.
문의 : 010-2331-0295 / ☎ 02-407-5295
이메일 : dhjang02@gmail.com
계측기렌탈 / 계측기수리 / 계측기판매 / 중고계측기 / 오실로스코프 수리 / 오실로스코프 대여 / 계측기수리판매
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