Bruel & Kjaer HATS 4128C

Head & Torso Simulator (HATS) 4128C
Head & Torso Simulator Types 4128C & D are manikins with built-in mouth simulators and calibrated ear simulator (according to IEC 60318-4 and ITU-T Rec. P57 Type 3.3) that provide realistic reproduction of the acoustic properties of an average adult human head and torso. They are ideal for performing in situ electroacoustic tests on, for example, telephone handsets (including mobile and cordless), headsets, audio conference devices, microphones, headphones hearing aids & hearing protectors.

Handset Positioner for HATS
Handset Positioner Type 4606, with pressure /force and position readouts, allows accurate repeatable mounting of telephone handsets on HATS in both standardized and user-defined positions. This makes HATS into a state-of-the-art telephone test rig for measurement according to ITU-T recommendations.

Uses of HATS 4128C :
- Testing of Headphones
- Evaluatno of clse-talkng/noise cancelling microphones
- Measurements on telephone headsets and hands-free communication devices
- Measurements on mobile and domestic telephones
- In situ/insertion measurements on hearing aids
- Testing of hearing protectors

- Accurate, repeatable positioning of telephone handset on HATS for electacooutc msurements
- Testing of almost all telephone handset designs
- Measurements in standardized positions

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