[중고 계측기 대여] 텍트로닉스 / Tektronix TCPA300 AC/DC Current Probe/증폭기 / 앰프 /
전류프로브 A6303 , A6304XL

오늘은 장비 3가지 소개할 예정입니다.
텍트로닉스 / Tektronix 전류프로브 (A6303, A6304XL), 그리고 TCPA300 전류프로브 앰프입니다.
우선~ TCPA300 전류프로브 증폭기 / 앰프 먼저 소개할까요?

TCPA300 Current Probe Amplifier
Tektronix Oscilloscope Probe Amplifier
The Tektronix TCPA300 oscilloscope probe amplifer is a highly advanced current measurement systeam. When connected to Tektronix Oscilloscopes with TEKPROBE Level II, TekCOnnect (w/ TCA-BNC) or TekVPI (w/ TPA-BNC) interfaces offers a wide current measurement capability, from low-level milliamp measurements to high current levels.
It can also be used as non-Tekprobe systems to make proper current measurements, by multiplying the measured output voltage on the oscilloscope by the TCPA300 range setting.
중고 계측기/중고 전류 프로브 Tektronix /텍트로닉스 TCPA300

TCPA300 Current Probe Amplifier / 앰프
- DC to 100 MHz: Current Probe AMplifier
- Automatic Scaling and units 1 - Osiclloscope on-screen readout of magnitude and amps reduces measurement error with no more hand calculations
- AC/DC input coupling
- Low insertion
- Spli-core contruction allows easy circuit connection
- Status indicators provide visual operating status and notification of potential error conditions - degauss, probe open, overload, not terminated into 50 ohm, no compatible probe type
- Lower DC drift and noise allow improved low level current measurements

중고 계측기 판매 렌탈 텍트로닉스 Tektronix TCPA300 Current Probe Amplifier/ 전류프로브 증폭기 / 앰프
The TCPA300 amplifier, when used with TCP312, TCP305, or TCP303 probes, provides a wide range of curent measurement capability and spans the gap between low level milliaml measurements to very high current levels. These three probes provide current measurement capabilities of 30A, 50A, and 150A DC continuous.
For even higher current levels, the TCPA400 amplifier with the TCP404XL, current probe meausres 500A DC continuous and 750A DC continuous, derated with duty cycle. Higher frequency performance is available with the TCP312 w/ TCPA300 providing ≥100 MHz bandwidth and a maximum current of 30A DC.

Tektronix/텍트로닉스 전류프로브 앰플리파이어 / 증폭기 / 앰프 TCPA300
텍트로닉스 / Tektronix TCPA300 Curret Probe Amplifier
- Development and analysis solution for designers, installers, and service personnel in telecomm, data communication, computer and semiconductor power electronics environments for
- Power Supplies (Switching and linear)
- Semiconductor devices (SCRs, IGBTs, MOSFETs, CMOs, BJTs)
- Power inverters/converters
- Electronic Ballasts
- Industrial/ consumer electronics
- Mobile communications (phone, satellite and relay stations)
- Motor drives transportation systems (lectronic vehicles, electric trains, locomotivem and avionics)

중고 계측기 판매 텍트로닉스 / Tektronix
A6303 - 15 MHz CURRENT PROBE & A6304XL 500 A Current Probe

A6303 전류프로브 / Current Probe
The A6303 current probe is useful in making SCR, Power supply, industrial contorl, and motor start-up current measurements. It required an AM503 series current probe amplifier for operation.
- 2 m. cable
- 100 Amps Continuous / 500 Amps Peak
- DC to 15 MHz
- Up to 0.83 in Conductor Diameter

중고계측기 판매 대여 렌탈 A6303(2m) & A6304XL - Current Probe(8m)
Tektronix A6304XL 전류프로브
- 8meter Cable
- 500 Amps Continuous / 500 Amps Peak
- DC to 10 MHz
2m. Cable
8m. Cable
100 Amps Continuous / 500 Amps Peak
500 Amps Continuous / 500 Amsp Peak
DC to 15 MHz
DC to 10 MHz
XL current probes add both convenience and expanded current measurement capability. The XL probes are designed to operate with the AM503B and AM5030 Current Probe Amplifiers.

중고 전류 프로브 Tektronix / 텍프로브 A6304XL - Current Probe
동영상 보기~
텍트로닉스 /Tektronix TCPA300, A6303, A6304XL Current Probe, 전류프로브 / 증폭기 / 앰프 / Current Probe AMPLIFIER
다양한 중고계측기 판매 대여 렌탈 합니다.
필요하시거나 궁금하시면 아래로 연락 주시기 바랍니다~

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