HIOKI 히오키 IR3455 - 250 V to 5kV/10 T Ω 고전압 절연 저항계 중고계측기 판매 매입 렌탈 수리해요~

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언젠간 놀러 갈수 있죠~
오늘의 소개할 중고 계측기 장비는 히오키 Hioki IR3455 고전압 절연 저항계입니다.
중고계측기렌탈 대여 히오키 Hioki IR3455 디지털 고전압 절연저항계 IR3455
Hioki Insulation resistance testers or megohmeters featute all-in-one designs including built-in rugged cases and test lead storage compartments. The IR3455 is a 5-range, 250V to 5000 V digital insulatioon resistance tester offering up to 10TΩ of insulated resistance testing. High performance features include bargraph, built-in memory, leak current and voltage testing and DAR and PI calculation capabilities to help shorten work time associated with field insulation testing.
Key Features:

Hioki 3455 Insulation Tester
※ Measure insulation of high voltage equipment (such as transformers, cables, and motors)
※ PI (Polarization Index and DAR (Dielectric Absorption Ratio) automatically calculated/ display
※ Extended operating temperature range of -10˚ C TO 50˚ C
※ Wide testing voltage range, up to 5.00 kV from 250 VDC
※ Data memory function to reduce handwritten notes
※ Wide measurement insulation range, up to 10 T Ω
※ Bright LED luminous scale

히오키 Hioki IR3455 고전압 절연저항계 High Voltage Insulation Tester - 중고계측기대여 계측기판매

Wide Range of Voltage Generated for Measurement and Testing
Insulation resistance measurements:
Select a test voltage from 250V, 500V 1.00 kV, 2.5 kV and 5.00 kV. More finely graded settings are also possible. When measurement is completed, the unit shows the insulation resistance value, test voltage (setting and actual output), leakage current, DAR, PI, and elapsed time. Save measurment conditions and measurment results to internal memory, and view them on computer.

중고계측기 대여 판매 히오키 Hioki IR3455 High Voltage Insulation Tester

Wide Range of Voltage Generated for Measurement and Testing
Step voltage test:
In this type of test, the voltage is gradually raised and the insulation resistance and leakage current change is measured. Two different step settings are available: 500 V-> 1 kV,-> 1.5 kV -> 2 kV -> 25kV and 1 kV -> 2 kV -> 3 kV -> 4 kV -> 5kV.

중고계측기대여 판매 렌탈 Hioki IR3455 High Voltage Insulation Center 고전압 절연 저항계
합리적인 중고계측기렌탈 판매 매입
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