중고계측기 렌탈 판매 대여 키쿠수이 Kikusui PLZ164W Electronic Load /전자로드


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오늘의 중고 계측기 대여 렌탈 판매 장비는 키쿠수이/Kikusui PLZ164W 전자 로드 가져왔습니다
중고계측기 렌탈 판매 대여 장비는 피엔텍!

중고계측기 렌탈 매입 판매 수리 기크수이 KIkusui PLZ164W Electronic Load - 전자 로드
Details: Kikusui PLZ164W (Electronic Load/전자로드)
※ Additional Features: PLZ164W
※ Voltage : 150V
※ Current: 33A
※ Power : 165W
※ Rise Time: 10 us (which converts to rise and fall times) high-speed response
※ Possible t perform actual Load simulation by sequence control function
※ OV input operating voltage type

중고계측기대여 렌탈 판매 수리 기쿠수이 Kikusui PLZ164W Electronic Load /전자로드
The Kikusui PLZ164W, Multifunctional Electric Load, features faster rise/fall times with variable slew rates for transient testing on high speed DC/DC convertors and DC power supplies. WA versions offer OV inputs even at maximum rated current input enabling testing of single cell fuel cells. Test modes are constant current, constant resistance, constant voltage, constant power, or a combination of there times from load on to load off can be measured. Other functions include soft start, short, ABC memory, set up memory, switching. The Kikusui PLZ164W, multifunctional Electronic Load, has GPIB (SPCI compatible), RS232c and USB as standard.

중고계측기렌탈 판매 대여 Kikusui PLZ164W 키쿠수이 전자 로드 중고계측기 매각 수리
중고계측기 대여 판매 렌탈 전문 피엔텍에서 다양한 계측기 장비를 렌탈 판매 매입합니다.
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