Hioki Memory HiLoggers are high-speed data loggers for recording multiple channels of voltage, temperature, resistance or humidity signals, some models providing complete isolation between channels and strong noise resistance. The LR8410-20 is an innovative wireless logging system capable of capturing up to 105 channels of data wirelessly using Bluetooth wireless technology.
1. Key Features:
2. For application such as:
3. Basic Specifications
4. 마무리
히오키 Hioki LR8410 Wireless Logging Station
Wireless Multi-channel Data Logger Captures Up to 105 Data Points via Bluetooth®
Key Features :
- Capturing logging ata using Bluetooth wireless technology. Install logging modules in hard-to-reach locations
- Easily add up to 7 input units wirelessly to keep your envirionment free of tangled wires
- Can receive data from LR8410 Link compatible products (Ver. 1.40 or later)
- Measurement units have built-in buffer memory so that measurement data can be saved if communication is temporarily disrupted
- 100 msec simultaneous sampling across all channels using rapid scanning method
- Choose an input unit based on the parameters you wish to measure (15-channel and 2-channel units are available)
- Quick Set guid makes configuration a breeze
For application such as :
- Developing and evaluating parts
- Simulating electricity generation characteristics and evaluating performance of solar power systems
- Evaluating air conditioning equipment and systems and measuring temperature
- Performance evaluation of the house
- Verifying elevator operation and performing maintenance
- Developing inverters and motors for railcars
- MOnitoring the growth environment in a plastic greenhouse or other structure
- Managing temperature and humidity while shipping frieght
- Recording rainfall volume etc.
Basic Specifications
No of measurement channels | Max 105 Ch (use 7 units of LR8510 or LR8511) |
Pulse digital input | [Pulse totaliation] Rotation count] |
Recording intervals | 100 ms(*2), 200 ms to 1 hour, 16 selections (All input ch are scanned within each recording interval) |
Data Storage | Interval memory: 8 M-word, data storage using bundled software or PC commands. |
Interface | LAN: 100 BAse-Tx, functions: Data acquisition using bundled software or PC commands, FTP server, FTP client, HTTP server function, or E-mail system |
Display device | 5.7 inch TFT color display (640 * 480 pixels) |
Functions | Save waveform data in real time to the SD memory card or USB memory stick, numerical value calculations, waveform calculations, 4 ch alarm output |
히오키 Hioki LR8410 무선 로깅 스테이션에 대하여 알아보았습니다.
이외에도 양방향파워서플라이, 양방향전원공급기, 그리드시뮬레이터, itech 파워서플라이등, ac 전원공급기 등 다양한 중고 계측기 수리/렌탈/판매/대여 합니다.
텔레다인 르크로이 / 요꼬가와 / 텍트로닉스 / 아이텍전자 / 애질런트 / 키사이트 / 히오키 / 타카사고 등과 같은 브랜드들있습니다.
제품문의 상담 : 02-407-5295
Hioki Memory HiLoggers are high-speed data loggers for recording multiple channels of voltage, temperature, resistance or humidity signals, some models providing complete isolation between channels and strong noise resistance. The LR8410-20 is an innovativ
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